
How to Trim Dog Nails That are Overgrown

How to Trim Dog Nails That are Overgrown

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Your dog’s nails are just as important as the rest of their grooming or health routine. However, when it comes to nails, they sometimes get overlooked, and this leads to the pooch having some seriously overgrown nails.

Not only is this bad for them, but when they jump up in excitement to greet you after a long day of work, it can be very painful. Dogs’ nails grow quickly and need to be maintained more regularly than normal grooming.

If you have let your dog nails grow too long, you may be asking yourself how you can trim them.

Long Nails? Are They a Problem?

Why does it matter? Well, think about if your nails grow out too long — you would be uncomfortable. Now, add that discomfort to the fact that dog nails that have grown out too long can also cause health issues. You can see why maintaining your dog’s nails is so important.

As your dog’s nails grow out too long, they begin to tap harder and harder on the floor, which will cause your dog’s toes to separate. This, in turn, will put extra stress on the foot and leg of your dog. If left unchecked, this could lead to injuries to their tendons and even foot deformation. Plus, it is uncomfortable, and you want your pooch to be happy, right?

By maintaining your dog’s nails, you will be keeping them happy and healthy, and what else do you want for your best buddy!

Tools of the Trade

Having the right tools is the first step in the nail trimming process. There are two tools that you will need – a dog nail clipper and a grinder. Of the two, the most popular tool is probably the clipper, as they are similar to human nail clippers.

When using the nail clipper, you will want to line the nail up and then push down. Though this does get the nail trimmed, you often end up with uneven cuts. If this happens, then you will have to add a nail file into the toolbox.

On the other hand, you have the nail grinder. This tool takes a little more practice, but it leaves you with a smooth and precise finished product. There is a list of variations in this tool.

If you choose to go with it, you may want to look at the safety features and designs, as well as if it is a low-noise and vibrations model. Having these features will help the dog feel more at ease when you are trimming their nails.

How to Trim Dog Nails That are Overgrown

Trimming Your Dog’s Nails

Now that you have the tools ready, it’s time to get started. Here is how you trim your dog’s overgrown nails.


  1. Gently pick up one of the dog’s paws and hold it firmly. Then, place your thumb on the foot’s pad and your index finger at the top of the toe above the nail. You will want to make sure to clear your dog’s fur out of the way.
  2. Gently push your thumb upwards and your forefinger forward so that the nail is exposed.
  3. You will want to find the quick before cutting. If your dog has light nails, you will look for a darker section. If your dog has darker nails start with a small bit of the tip and repeat until you see a gray/pink discoloration.
  4. Once you have done that, then you will want to clip the nail in a straight line across the nail at the desired length. If the cut is uneven, then you will want to file it gently until it’s even.
  5. Repeat the process on the rest of the nails of that paw and the dog’s other paws.


  1. Repeat the first part of the process above. This includes the grip, as well as finding the quick.
  2. Then, you will want to use your grinder on small parts of the dog’s nails at a time while supporting the dog’s toe.
  3. Try to make sure you grind across the nail’s bottom and then to the tips so you get a smooth finish.
  4. Make sure to always have good control of the clippers (hold them towards the top of the tool) and to keep your dog comfortable while you are trimming.
  5. If you have a dog with long hair, make sure to keep it out of the way of the grinder.

Tips to Get Your Dog Ready For Nail Trimming

If your dog’s paws aren’t used to being touched, then trying to trim their nails may be rough. Their paws may be sensitive, and they may not like someone playing with them. To get your dog ready for the process, you may want to try some of these tips.

  • Get them familiar with the tools. Let them sniff the tools, and when they do so without any kind of fear, maybe give them a treat. This creates a positive association
  • You may also want to touch the tools to their paws. Once again, if they don’t run away in fear or get agitated, reward them
  • You may also want to turn the grinder on or make the clipper make the motion near their feet. This will get them used to the sensations and sounds, which will allow them to not be so scared of them
  • Once they become accustomed to those things, you may want to try just trimming the tiniest piece of their nails. This will further get them comfortable with the idea

Once you have done these steps, the dog will be better prepared for what is going to happen. Plus, if you stick to a regular schedule, you will never lose ground on the pup’s comfort with the tools and the process.

Final Thoughts

Maintaining your dog’s nails is important and something that needs to be done regularly. By following the tips and processes above, you will be able to maintain your dog’s nails and never let them get overgrown again.